Discipleship Training Manual

Discipleship Training Manual - by Rev. Isaac Peter Oyako

Isaac Okayo, founder of Revival Time Ministry, has written a book to use as a curriculum when teaching in churches to help people grow up spiritually. He has a great burden for the weak believers who do not know how to walk in grace and knowledge with Christ our Saviour.

The collection of this material is the result of a plea from the leaders of the hcurches who reasoned that there is a need for a resource to aid them in the training of disciples and to revive the lost art of discipleship in their congregations.

This Discipleship Manual is written for leaders, recent converts and individuals to be able to understand basic truth while aided by the Bible. The material in this manual is simple and a universal truth; a basic requirement for developing a godly character. Everyone who is serious in developing a relationship, fellowship and maturity with God needs it, not only trainers.

It is the church leaders who have expressed the greatest pleas for such a handbook, and who appreciate it most. Some have asked that it be translated into other languages, and Isaac Okayo hopes to do that eventually too.

the table of contents of this book, the Discipleship Training manual

You see here a glimpse at the Table of Contents. It has 32 chapters and covers a full range of topics, such as learning to have a personal Quiet Time with the Lord, understand the nature of God, and how to relate to Him. It talks of dealing with sin and sinful habits, to bring them under the blood Christ shed, and to have victory

Other topics include obedence, pride, God's dscipline, and living in liberty rather than legalism. There is teaching about the work of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, and to avoid grieving the Spirit of God.

The back cover of Discipleship Training Manual

There is teaching packed into this book too, on how to prepare and preach a sermon, and on giving generously and regularly to the work of the Lord. Furthermore, this book offers guidance on the battle of the mind, and in dealing with sex, love, and marriage, as well as discerning and resisting the teaching of false cults and false religions.

If you have need of this book or would like to use it to train others in the way of Christ, you may order this book directly from Pastor Isaac Oyako for $10 US if outside of Africa by choosing that option and clicking this PayPal button.

If you are in Uganda or another African country the cost is $5 for each copy of the Discipleship Training Manual.

Because the book is so popular, we often run out of it, and must wait until we can afford to have another quantity printed. If you are a Christian friend who would like to help keep this book in print and available to those who need it, then we invite you to partner with us in this good work by offering a donation toward the next printing of Discipleship Training Manual. You may make your donation with this PayPal button, using your PayPal account, or even if you have none, you may enter any one of six different credit cards to complete your transaction on the PayPal account of our Authorized Agent, Ruth Friesen, who looks after our website and fundraising from Canada.

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Books for You

Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!