My Dear Beloved,
May I open this platform by sharing a word of God from Judges 14:14,saying “….out of the one who eats came something to eat; out of the strong came something sweet.” This was a riddle by Samson following the attack from the Lion and its outcome, as he went to make a marriage proposal.
Naturally no one loves difficulties and challenging circumstances; we all tend to try and avoid hard times in life as much as possible. But how does God view hard times? Trying moments in our life is a tutorial which God uses not only to reveal Himself to us, but build a character in us which is more valuable to God than our service to Him. James, the first Pastor of Jerusalem Church told the church to always count it Joy whenever he or she is going through tough times James 1:2.
History tell us that men of purpose who have left positive and strong legacies such as Moses, Joseph, David, apostle Paul, prophet Isaiah, etc., went through difficulties orchestrated by God Himself. While in furnace of affliction, (Isaiah 48:10), they could not understand the purpose of God. Later on, they appreciate it as David put it, “It is good that I was afflicted that I may know the statutes of the Lord. ( Ps119:71).
My dear beloved children, unless God brings you to an end of yourself, known in Scripture as, “wits end.’ (Ps 107:27), you have no portion in the Lord’s ministry; it is a play of superficial religious activity. We must be hardened soldiers, not ordinary men and women who largely invest in leisure, fun and comfort.
Trials can take any form and shape: It can be a let down by family and friends, disappointment from spouse or spouse to be, financial hardships, persistent ailment, etc. Please, know that you are in the military college. You must aim at graduating without laps of retakes. Your challenge is simply a ladder to take to a higher ground.
Relax, and let the Lord have His way. (Ps37:4-7) Give Him full access to your life and future. He is almighty and omniscience God: He loves you as though you are the only one on the planet earth. You no longer belong to yourself but to the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:15) Count yourself lucky and worthy to be trusted with trials to the shame of the devil. Amen!
Rev. Isaac Peter Oyako
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Note: Have you seen my book for Christian Singles?