ALIGN 2015 – Migori, Kenya
by Isaac Peter Oyako
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Introduction: The story in the text is about three siblings who lived in Bethany village. They genuinely loved and cared for one another. They also loved the Lord Jesus Christ. Martha was the eldest of the three.
One day, our Lord Jesus and His team visited the village. Martha was very concerned about their refreshment: Her prime concern was to give them something to eat and drink. Hospitality was paramount in the culture of the Jews at that time. Naturally, she expected her younger sister, Mary, to have had a sense of responsibility and joined her in the kitchen. However, it did not occur the way Martha, the elder sister, had expected.
The alternative was petitioned the chief guest, the Lord Jesus Christ for intervention, instead she got a mild rebuke: The Lord had commended her younger sister for taking a better priority.
The Lord has been speaking to me personally on this Scripture about what is my ministry priority. This Scripture came at a time when my morale was the lowest ebb: I was involved in a nasty road accident; a roll over that could have claimed my life. Plus, I had a host of challenges, coming one after the other; financial challenges, persecution, etc., have been a common phenomenon in my life during the past 5 years. At one point I thought my experience was like that of Elijah, when he asked for death after a successful contest with prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel. Just like Elijah, I believed I had done many good things for the Lord.
That Saturday morning, the day of the accident, I had preached on FM Radio Station, rushed to Soroti (4 hours from Jinja where we live) and had a packed Sunday program.
After the accident and hospital-stay, I cancelled all ministry appointments for 50 days, preferring rather to wait upon God. The Story of Martha and Mary came clearly to me. Yes, I work hard, and no one can complain about my slackness in work. But something was more important. I needed to hear and do just precisely what the Lord wants me – not everything else. Martha was doing a good job, but she needed the fellowship with the Lord more. Mary was correct in her priority. Leaders, more or less, are victims of Martha’s scenario.
[To read the complete message Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako gave in Migori, Kenya, please click on this PDF file: ALIGN-2015]