Dear prayer Partners,
Greetings in Jesus name!
God is doing new and amazing things in our ministry since my recovery from illness. The enemy thought he would cripple God’s work by weakening me physically. More and more doors are opening, not only in Uganda, but beyond.
Yesterday I returned from Kenya where I spoke to 1,400 youths, accompanied with a mighty out pouring of the Holy Spirit. I am running end time series in 2 churches and tomorrow am driving another 3 hours to Tororo town, to talk to about 100 couples. After that, from the 15th to Christmas Eve, I will be running ministry in both Uganda and Kenya.
From 4th January 2020, I will officiate at a wedding in Mbale town. Then, hopefully, my wife and I will fly to South Africa for about 7 days; pray for our visas. One of the pastors was denied a visa to South Africa 2 weeks back.
Basically we need your prayer for my health. Medication is becoming more expensive and I am struggling financially to keep up with medication. We will also need your prayer support for financial provision. Our house now has an extra 12 girls whom we support in various universities and secondary schools. Together with my own children, the number is simply overwhelming. We need sufficient support for groceries, utility bills etc.
And above all, I need 300 US$ before Friday, the 13th of December. I have over 300 guests in my house in Jinja on that day. The girl we supported from senior two to University, Vastine Arinaitwe, (presently our bookkeeper) is getting married that day. I was given permission by her heavily impoverished relatives to give her away in marriage, and will take place in my house in Jinja.
This is the fourth girl in this year, 2019, to complete her university education, graduate, get a job, and get a Godly husband, who takes from their home and church. It is a great honor to God and our ministry as well.
We also have 5 desperate children who need sponsors from January 2020. Pray with us, and if you anyone who might want to assist we shall be very grateful.
Thank you
Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako