You may wish to know more about the teachings of Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako, and his materials to help you decide about inviting him as a guest speaker to your church, or about inviting him to offer a marriage seminar in your area.
As more material is prepared, we will offer it here. We start with a Couples' Workshop Isaac Oyako taught at Mayuge November 6th 2010. It was called The Effect of a Bad Marriage on the Family Welfare
Today's morales are much like they were in the days of the prophet Maliahi, and God had strong words for those who had strayed from His commandments regarding marriage and family life, along with their disregard for how they were to worship Him.
Marriage is God's idea. He intended it to provide a couple with companionship, fellowship, recreation and for procreation. In this workshop or seminar, Isaac Oyako teaches how couples experience attacks in all four of these aspects of their marriage, and how to resist and maintain their ground in practical ways. There are several key things you can do to recover from broken companionship in your marriage. Oyako is not afraid to be blunt and direct.
When fellowship (friendship) between a husband and wife is broken, Oyako recommends, among other things, to come apart from others, perferrably away from the home situation and family, to talk things over and take stock of your situation. Fellowship, in this context also includes sexual relationships, and this is addressed as crucial, and again, practical steps to improve and keep healthy. This includes family planning advice and how not to use sex as a weapon.
There is even good counsel on how to plan your family, and how to raise the children in the nurture of the Lord.
You may read the notes Pastor Isaac Oyako used in the specific Couples' Workshop at Mayuge in Uganda, by downloading and reading this PDF document: The Effect of a Bad Marriage on The Family Welfare. If this seems to you like teaching that ought to be heard by couples in your church or area of responsibility, and if you are prepared to pay Pastor Oyako's travel expenses, then feel free to use the contact form to invite him, and to start negotiating a mutually suitable time.
Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!
The Biblical Guide and Relationship Tips for Searching Singles
This is written particularly for young people desiring God's perfect marriage partner for them, but often growing impatient. Pastor Isaac says, "You just need to follow God's instructions." . ..
for MORE (and to buy the e-book edition)
The Discipleship Training Manual
This book is addressed to pastor and church workers . . . .for MORE (and to order it)