Joy Gems

Rejoicing in Our King

(c)2010 - Ruth Marlene Friesen

The day that the beautiful, rich and multi-talented King Solomon was crowned, the people rejoiced mightily; Jesus is much greater, so are we rejoicing in our king?

I Kings 1:40 "And all the people went up after him, playing flutes and rejoicing greatly, so that the ground shook with the sound."

Wow, that must have been a joyful sound!

And why?

All because Solomon was anointed as king. This was the people's way of rejoicing in this good king.

We've seen how people crowd along a roadway when Queen Elizabeth II is passing by. She generates a lot of happiness in her loyal and proud subjects.

What about our King Jesus? The big public parades are yet to come, but we do have Him as our King right now - in our hearts. Do we follow Him with such praises and rejoicing that our spiritual ground seems to shake?

As I pause to think about this new thought I realize that although I do praise and thank the Lord daily for what He means to me, and for all the specific things I notice He is doing for me, especially answers to prayer, I guess my rejoicing in Him is not shaking my ground very much.

I wonder how I can be a better subject to my King Jesus? Best would be to spend more time in His Word, learning to know just what kind of king Jesus is. Then I should review how Jesus wants His followers to worship Him. There are verses that talk about “obedience being better than sacrifice.”

PRAYER: Oh, King Jesus, I come rejoicing in our King! You already have eternal life, so I can't wish You a long life, but I do want to please and glorify You. I want to be obedient and do Your will at all times, and.... well, I want to allow myself more time to revel with joy in how great and marvelous You are; our Creator, full of majesty and power and love. Dying for us was a stupendously great thing too! Thank You!

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Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!