Psalm 35:27 "May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, "The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant."
Do you ever make decisions based on what will delight those who care about your spiritual welfare? The ones who want to see you vindicated of all wrong-doing, and to grow mature in the Lord and His Word.
Some of us loners get to thinking that we are an island to ourselves and responsible for our own decisions, so whatever we choose to do will not affect anyone but ourselves. That is not true.
With a little stretch of my imagination I can see that there might be isolated incidents where we might truly not have anyone close by who cares lovingly for our soul and spiritual condition. But on the other hand, there is the contention that no one comes to know the Lord Jesus as Saviour unless someone has prayed for them. So there is someone who cares, though we may not know who it is.
Extremes aside, we have a cheering section in Heaven that shouts for joy and gladness when we do right and are vindicated, even if we know of no one on earth who does. The Lord God Himself is exalted when we succeed, and He delights in the well-being of His servants - that's you and me.
Let's make an extra effort to do right and win our battles against temptation, or the hindrances of the Evil One as we make our earthly pilgrimage. Let's do it for the sake of our loving parents or Christian mentors; for the sake of the saints gone on before who are cheering us from Heaven's balcony, and for the Lord Jesus - who beams with joy when we do well.
PRAYER: Oh Lord in Heaven, it's not just myself who gets to be joyful and glad when I do right and win Your praise, but all these others who care about my spiritual progress. And You? You are glad too and celebrate all my victories? Wow! I want to see to it that I have as many victories as I can - by Your Spirit's power.
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Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!
The Biblical Guide and Relationship Tips for Searching Singles
This is written particularly for young people desiring God's perfect marriage partner for them, but often growing impatient. Pastor Isaac says, "You just need to follow God's instructions." . ..
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The Discipleship Training Manual
This book is addressed to pastor and church workers . . . .for MORE (and to order it)
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