Joy Gems

Bubbling Up with Laughter and Shouts of Joy

Job 8:20-21 "Surely God does not reject a blameless man or strengthen the hands of evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy."

I realize this is part of the false comfort spoken by Bildad to Job, and yet there is some truth in it. God does not reject a truly blameless man. However, the only really blameless one that has ever lived is Jesus. None of us can truly qualify, can we?

Nor does God help evildoers. I'm just convinced that He doesn't; it would contradict His holiness.

On the other hand, I do believe God wants to fill our mouths with laughter and our lips with shouts of joy. That is not a lie either.

Can you see this? It is the Lord God Himself that fills our mouths with laughter. This is not something you or I have to do. It's not shown as a requirement here that our lips must be filled with shouts of joy - though we certainly owe God our praises for all He does for us. Instead, here it says simply that He - God Himself - fills our lips with shouts of joy. Wow!

There have definitely been times I found it hard to even think more positive, cheery thoughts, never mind shout and sing for joy. You have been there too, I'm sure.

Wouldn't it be a marvelous miracle then, a great sign of God's blessing, to reach a point in life when laughter and joy just bubble forth from our lips? There was a time when I caught a glimpse of this and knew that I would be totally healed of some inner hurts when spontaneous joy and singing welled up.

PRAYER: Oh, Lord, I think I've reached that point now! These are gifts I would be glad to receive from You. Please may I have this mouth full of laughter and lips filled with shouts of joy? Since that crisis of 2007 You have blessed me left and right. It's time to break out in laughter, singing and shouting for joy! Please! Put all that in my mouth so I may praise You effectively!

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Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!