Joy Gems

Your Joy Will Be Complete

(c)2010 - Ruth Marlene Friesen

Deuteronomy 16:14-15 Be joyful at your Feast - you, your sons and daughters, your men-servants and maidservants, and the Levites, the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns. For several days celebrate the Feast of the LORD your God at the place the LORD will choose. For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.

Isn't this great? God commands His people to be joyful and to celebrate with a feast. Everyone is to be included, even the lonely and the singles. This feast is to go on for several days. They are all to come bearing a gift in proportion to how much God has blessed them. Then your joy will be complete.

Christian Home Tip

Your Child is a Christian, but is he ready for Baptism? This short 4 chapter e-book will help you prepare your child for believer's baptism

Have I ever had so much joy that I could celebrate something for several days and bring God a thank you gift in proportion to how much He blessed me? Have you? (Maybe some Christmases come close?)

No, I can't say I've had so much joy - not so that I celebrated it for several days, including everyone around me, and then gave gifts of gratitude to God. So that's what complete joy looks like then?

Do you also have this feeling that you have much to learn yet about joy and how to express it? I certainly do. Right now it appears as a very pleasant prospect.

If God assumes we will have such wonderful times of joy, then it must be in His ultimate plan for us to ask for and learn to be joyful in a way that is really complete. Shall we be bold then and ask? Are we willing to learn?

PRAYER: I vote YES, Lord! I want to ask You for a much larger component of joy in my life, the kind that celebrates for days on end, and includes others, and that is so complete. I would gladly give You gifts of gratitude, but first I need some resources from You to be able to generate a good harvest. All right, I ask You, Father-God, for such joy!

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Books for You

Rev. Isaac Peter Okayo has written two books that can be of great help to you!