Joy Gems

When the Trees Sing for Joy

I Chronicles 16:32-33 "Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth."

This is still part of the David's Psalm of praise from verses 8 to 36 in this chapter. Here we are at the stanza where he describes how nature sings praises to God and worships Him.

Do you enjoy being outdoors or seeing a variety of nature scenes? Have you ever thought of those scenes singing and praising God? As a shepherd boy, David had seen a lot of vistas, hills, mountains, rocky places, green fields for grazing, bubbling brooks, and all kinds of skies. He had no trouble recognizing that God had made it all, and in his mind this natural world was alive with music and joy to God.

Let's look more closely at this thought of the trees of the forest singing for joy before the Lord. I have heard trees sighing in the wind, and they get really creaky and noisy in a storm. I have not stopped to think of this much before, but I suppose that can be interpreted as singing.

Yes, trees have many benefits and uses for us, the human race, but it is quite likely that God's first purpose for making them was that they would sway and sing His praises in the wind. All He really asks of them is to grow tall and strong where they are planted, and to bring glory to His name when we admire them - or first, when He admires them.

Can you make a tree? I know I can't!

PRAYER: Oh Lord God, I can't make myself either! You have made me and Your first intention is for me to praise and worship You. You have other plans for me too, but I need to see to it that I do this first and foremost. If trees are singing to You as a matter of course then surely I ought to too! Please help me to swell and burst into songs of joy and praise to You, almighty, perfect God!

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